Can Monthly Income Scheme (MIS) interest be credited to Recurring Deposit (RD) account?
No. There is no provision. Interest amount can be credited to SB account and after that from SB to RD is permissible.
How can I claim payment of deceased account / certificate holder?
The claimant may be the nominee or legal heir. If there is nomination, the nominee can prefer the claim in the prescribed form along with death certificate. If there is no nomination, any one of the legal heirs can prefer the claim in the prescribed form [SB84]. For this death certificate and consent statements of all legal heirs are required. Claim upto one lakh can be settled. If the claim is exceeding one lakh, claims can be settled by legal evidence ie, by probate of will or succession certificate.
How I can get encashment of certificates / account before maturity?
National Savings Certificate - No premature encashment possible. Maturity period is 5 Years.
Different Savings Accounts
Savings Bank - Can be closed at any time
Recurring Deposit - Premature closure permissible after 3 years - only SB rate is permissible
Time Deposit - Premature closure permissible after 6 months
Monthly Income Scheme - Premature closure permissible after 1 year
How I get duplicate passbook?
Application in the prescribed form or manuscript application may be given by affixing prescribed fee in the form of postage stamp. New duplicate Passbook will be issued by sub post offices only.